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Express Entry invites 284 Provincial Nominee Program candidates

The new draw for permanent residency invites PNP candidates in the new Express Entry draw.

Express Entry draw on 31 March took to invite 284 fresh immigrants for permanent residency.

Applicants are to have a provincial nomination to receive ITA- Invitation to Apply. Thus, the CRS score is 778.

The score is high and, the reasons depicted is that in the previous draw, the cut off was 449 and PNP candidates achieve 600 points, increasing the CRS scores. It concludes that the lowest-scoring candidates with a CRS score without PNP is 178.

Those applicants who can participate in today`s nomination are the ones who have submitted their Express Entry profile before March 16 2021, at 16:09:32 UTC as per the tie-break rule.

The Corona-virus is not over. The border is still closed since March 2020 and, social distancing is still going strong. With immigration travel restricted severely, Canada is targeting residents who reside in the country for permanent residence. It is because it has to fulfill the ambitious and astonishing Immigration Level Plan of 2021 to invite 401 000 newcomers by the end of this year.

To cover up the targets, Canada has been holding a specific draw of programs for immigrants residing in the country.

It has been a great and massive year as Express Entry has invited 44, 124 candidates so far in 2021. The nomination in this time, the last year 2020, was 22, 600.

If we talk about the CRS- Comprehensive Ranking System score, it has gone up and down. It is reliable that Express Entry specific PNP draws will have a high CRS score due to the provincial nomination score of 600 points, but the CRS score for CEC will depend on the nominations. It mostly goes for CEC as to how many eligible applicants are in the pool.

There has not been any predict when IRCC will issue nominations for the Federal skilled Worker Program for permanent residency.

 A hypothetical example of who can be invited-

Ada is 39, working as a construction manager for the last six years. She holds a bachelor’s degree and is an expert in the language English. Her CRS score when she entered the Express Entry pool is of 386. With her provincial nomination from Alberta, her initial score increased to 986, high enough to get her an ITA in the new Express draw.

To immigrate to Canada via the Provincial Nominee Program, consult our experts advisors on immigration and overseas travel. It is best to be safe and smooth to avoid any loopholes while you fill your PR Visa application. 

So, pick up the phone and have a brief word with our consultant at CN Immigration Services- Best Consultants across Delhi and get the best experience service. 

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